Sunday, February 23, 2020

Press Release 2020


Eclectix Chamber Orchestra, Inc.
Eclectix Dance Company
Lee McClure, founder director

 For Immediate Release                                                                            February 24, 2020

Most Melodic Composer in 50 years
Publishes Major Classical Works

On Wednesday Lee McClure published his oeuvre of major works on the Internet Archive. A well categorized list of his works with links to recordings, scores, parts & videos is available at All Works, with Links. The links go to Lee's Archive page for viewing, listening, & downloads.

Developing the music of Gershwin, Ravel, Weill, Copland and contemporary Jazz, Lee McClure is one of the most melodic composer in the last 50 years of classical music. His unexpected turns of traditional harmony combine a lyric integrity with undercurrents of searching.

JoAnn Falletta, music director of the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, has written about Lee’s Symphony No.1 Montage:I listened and found it to be a really beautiful work! - I look forward to studying it.” – (2015)

In 2016 McClure published his Jazz Preludes for Piano. Without improvisation the 17 preludes bring new life to the legacy of George Gershwin and encompass a wide variety of Jazz styles rarely heard in the new repertoire for classical piano.

Now 72 years old, Lee remains one of the few champions of new melodic and tonal music.  In 1985 he founded the Eclectix Chamber Orchestra that has presented the music of over 130 living composers. The New York Times has written: "Devoted to Melody - Eclectix, a group dedicated to presenting melodic music in the tradition of Debussy, Gershwin, and Ellington performs in New York." (1989) "Most of this repertory grew out of a tonal, melody-accompaniment tradition, and a lot of it by way of American popular culture." (1988)
McClure’s orchestral piece Hiatus was declared to be "the most distinguished piece on the program: the harmonies had bite and the musical ideas seemed both organic and Mr. McClure's own." – The New York Times(1986)

Played on 40 radio stations in the United States, Lee’s CD A Jazz Christmas Like You've Never Heard was reviewed in O’s Place Jazz Magazine: "This is not your traditional Holiday album. For sure Lee has managed to transform, twist and provoke our imaginations. The music is great and the lyrics are familiar" (2009)

Lee’s classical works include opera, symphonic, choral, piano and chamber music. For his self-designed electric flute he has composed and performed an extensive repertoire since 1990.  In 2007 Lee founded the Eclectix Dance Company for which he creates the music on electric flute and conceives scenarios, choreography, lighting and costume design. His Jazz works range from small ensembles to big band.

              Lee’s full bio & Eclectix history:

                    Audio and video highlights
     Opera – Voice
     Orchestra – Symphony No.1 Montage
     Choral – Litany to the Holy Spirit
     Piano – Suite No.2 from The Voyage
     Chamber music, vocal – Invocation
     Chamber music, string quartet – Night Shifts
     Electric flute – Metamorphosis
     Electric flute – Rock Adagio Suite
     Jazz, (no improvisation)Lament And Celebration    
     Jazz, (with improvisation)We Three Kings
      Dance video: Lee speaks to audience + 2 scenes – Lonely Woman
     Photomontage music video – Elohim And Adam
Lee’s links:

photo credits:
Suzanne Kaufman (Eclectix Chamber Orchestra)
Lee McClure (selfie with painting of Robert McChesney)
Lenny Charles (Eclectix Dance Company)
For further information contact
Eclectix Chamber Orchestra, Inc.
New York, NY  10007

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